Main attractions
- #sanapeli
- (fi) Akronyyminselityspeli IRCnetissä.
- ArkkuDvorak
- My Finnish Dvorak keyboard layout.
- Rengaspanssari
- (fi) Kuvitetut ohjeet rengaspanssarin valmistukseen.
Souvenirs, novelties
- atelnet
- A MUD client that runs inside mIRC.
- Connecting fans
- How to run the fans inside your computer at 5 or 7 volts to make them silent.
Party tricks
- Public key
- Contact me with this if you are wearing tin foil on your head to block them
orbital mind control lasers.
- miscellaneous
- Unsorted items. Well, I suppose they might be in alphabetical order...
Other places
- Photography
- See photos taken by me, on flickr.
32719 hits since 2002-04-17.